Programs & Services
Making a Difference in the Community
SoCal Women’s Health Conference: This is our signature event of the year! With over 27 workshops, speakers on key health topics and a wellness expo, the full-day event is designed to empower women to make better decisions about their health, wellness, and lifestyle. We provide information on female-related health challenges and ways to influence health policy. Many health-related services and resources are also available.
Monthly Speaker Series: Professional and expert speakers discuss various topics including diabetes, cancer, beauty, healthy eating, HMOs and healthcare care laws.
Mentoring Our Young Men: We match students with caring, committed adult mentors who help support our young men on their paths to high school graduation and a successful transition to college.
Each student-mentor team is assigned a case manager to professionally support their relationship and who will check in once a month to troubleshoot any issues that arise.
Nutrition Programs: In collaboration with our partner organizations, we provide speakers who talk to the community about healthy eating and nutrition for families and children. We also work with our community African American Cultural Center to distribute fruits and vegetables to families.
Monthly Educational Meetings: Engaging educational workshops on a variety of topics, including: getting involved and being engaged in your community, how to effectively communicate your needs to your doctor, and how to advocate health issues to your elected community representative.
Exercise Classes: FREE weekly exercise program for seniors and adults at different local locations.
Youth Basketball of Pasadena: